Private practice supervision and consulting for fellow perfectionistic therapists.

Taylor Young, therapist in Brookline, standing in front of an accent wall
professional woman standing in the city
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You want to love being a therapist, do right by your clients, be paid fairly, and have a schedule that actually works for you.

You want  to invest in high-quality, theoretically-oriented, supervision because you’re sick of self-doubt at the end of the day, your brain too loud with lingering insecurities like,

“Was that the right intervention?” or “Did I push too far on that topic?” or “What am I doing?”  “I have no idea what I’m doing.”

Hi, I’m Taylor Young.

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I’m here to bring you a grounded, humor-injected, real-life, integrative approach to consultation and practice-building to help you create a career that’s high on longevity and low on burnout. 

You deserve to feel valued, supported, seen, and challenged–just as your clients do.

I’ve been there.

I’ve been in love with being a clinician and simultaneously burned out by the thought of doing it for another decade. 

I’ve held the tension of knowing I could be far more effective for my 3:00 PM client if I hadn’t already had five appointments today, knowing that I will be completely drained by 5:00 PM when it’s time to attempt to think about going home and… dinner. Oh wait, and… notes? Sigh.

I’m eager and ready to help more clinicians find the kind of ah-ha moments I’ve found that have made this career a dream job for me.

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Private Practice
Business Coaching

I help fellow psychotherapists design businesses that they’re excited to stay in (instead of looking for the next career off-ramp at the end of an overly booked and underpaid work week).

Whether you want to launch a private practice part-time or full-time, let’s thoughtfully design your unique business while honing your theoretical lens. It’s time to discover how YOU best work with clients outside of the systems that you’ve felt stifled by.

Clinical Supervision & Consultation

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I partner with perfectionistic and hyper-responsible clinicians to create a clear roadmap for self-development so that they can fully show up for themselves, their families, and their clients in a way that feels grounded and values-aligned.

If you're into this integrative, psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, and somatic blended approach of mine, want to feel less burned out, or improve your skills working with kids, teens or young adults, then reach out!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • $200 (50-minute session)

  • Supervision is most effective when we are meeting regularly. My supervisess and trainees meet with me on a weekly or biweekly basis.

  • I am grounded in psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, and somatic-based theories. Freud stated the ego is “first and foremost a body-ego.”

    We don’t exist just between our ears and I believe in tending to the body as a source of information, wisdom, and healing.

  • I have an immediate, daytime, opening for a supervisee. I am also starting a beginning clinician supervision group starting in September. Email me to be added to my waitlist.

Ready to get started?